Gigaom Research webinar: the new WAN: technologies and strategies for improving WAN performance

Innovation in WAN technologies is on the rise as the first wave of network optimization products is no longer enough to meet today’s business needs. Increased growth in real-time and interactive traffic is stressing WANs, and traditional optimization techniques aren’t effective. But this vision is a long way off. In the meantime there are interesting technologies available today to optimize the network, not just the traffic, to improve performance.

In this webinar, our panel will address these topics:

  • Where do traditional WAN optimization techniques hit a wall?

  • What are some alternative approaches to improving WAN performance?

  • How do you maintain quality when you aggregate different technologies such as MPLS, ATM, frame relay and broadband internet together?

  • Is MPLS still necessary to maintain quality of service in an era where broadband access using public internet links is increasingly inexpensive and ubiquitous?

  • What are the limitations of appliances?

Speakers include:

Register here to join Gigaom Research and our sponsor, Talari Networks, for “The new WAN: technologies and strategies for improving WAN performance,” a free analyst webinar on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. PT.

via Gigaom


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