Meet Carrot Fit, Your Own Personal Sarcastic AI Weight Loss Coach

There are countless weight loss apps available out there.

Some pair up with dedicated activity-tracking devices, while others count calories, and yet still some gamify weight loss. Or socialize it. Or groupify it.

In today’s edition of “Maybe Technology Will Make Losing Weight Easier”, I bring you Carrot Fit, the humorous weight-loss app.

They say laughing burns calories, you know.

Carrot Fit, the latest in the Carrot series, isn’t all that different from earlier generation of the “motivational” app. The name comes from the old “Carrot and Stick” method of training, wherein one receives a combination of rewards and punishments to enforce good behavior.

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That said, Carrot Fit will most certainly berate you, so be ready — the app is definitely aimed at people who have a sense of humor about their body, as opposed to those who are sensitive about it.

But that’s Carrot’s shtick.

The Carrot family of apps includes Carrot To-Do and Carrot Alarm, both of which come at you with the same ferocious sarcasm. They seem to take a note from GlaDOS, the vicious and sarcastic AI voice in the Portal games, which is something no other fitness app seems to offer.

And in an ever-crowded landscape like weight loss apps, the more you differentiate the better.

You can check out the Carrot Fit app here.

via TechCrunch


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